09 September 2016 8 3K Report

hi i have learnt 2 slightly different protocols for lysing cells prior western blot.

which method is better?

method A:

1) Once cells reach 75 confluency in 60mm dish plate, remove media, and wash in 1ml 1x PBS. Remove PBS, and add another 1ml.

2) scrape cells with cell scraper with presence of 1ml PBS.

3) Transfer contents into 15ml tube.

4) centrifuge down cells in 1500rpm for 3 minutes.

5) remove supernatant. resuspend cell pellet in 50ul lysis buffer.

6) transfer contents into ependorf tube. and homogenize with 29g syringe.

7) centrifuge at 14000rpm for 15 minutes.

8) measure absorbance and protein concentration.

method B:

1) once 60mm dish reach 75 percent confluency, remove media.

2) add 1ml 1x pbs, remove.

3) repeat step 2.

4) add 50ul lysis buffer.

5) scrape cells using scraper.

6) transfer contents into ependorf tube and homogenize with 29g syringe.

7) centrifuge for 14000rpm for 7 minutes.

8) take 2ul supernatant and measure protein concentration. 

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