
I have done three successful Gibson assemblies, so to simplify: I put together parts named 1+2, 3+4 and 5+6. Every part is about 1000-2000bp. Those assemblies worked and I could see the three new 1-2, 3-4 and 6-5 assembly-parts on agarose gel after i PCR them.

But when I try to mix and do an assembly on all these assemblies together (1-2 + 3-4 + 5-6) to create one big part, it doesn't work. Not even the previous Gibson parts are visible on gel after I amplify the DNA with PCR.

All I can see are fragments that are too small to be any of my parts. I've tried multiple times and the same small fragments, one is at 800bp and is the strongest stripe (this stripe was seen on the 5-6 gel but was not nearly as strong as it where now) when the whole assembly should be at 11000bp.

What can I do to try to succeed with this gigantic Gibson assembly?

Could there be secondary structures that interfere with the PCR-primers?

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