Is there anybody who has experience in automated DNA/RNA extraction from plant material for the detection of viral, bacterial or fungal pathogens? I´m looking for a system in the range of 16 to 48 samples.
during my time in Northern Ireland, I worked with "MagCore Nucleid Acid Extractor" (cartridge 301) to extract DNA from plant tissue (bark). Worked pretty fine, DNA was used to perform qPCR to detect pathogens (gramnegative bacteria) in a thin layer between phloem and cambium.
Recently I met colleagues which are using the Maxwell system and in general they are very satisfied with it. But they have the advantage that they are challenged with a lower diversity of sample material than we are. The problem of most of the systems is, that they are intended only for use with proprietary kits. Up to now my favorite system is the KingFisher from Thermofisher where the use of kits from different producers is established and posible. In the next weeks I will have a KingFisher in the lab to test the system for suitability. But I will have also a look for the MagCore system which is new to me.