I wanted to cover a large area for EBSD analysis which was not possible with single scan. So I took multiple scans with some area overlap. Can I join thos scans somehow and analyse as a one big scan.
Dear Mahavir Singh , of course you can, while the EBSD scans were recorded in the same conditions.
Some SEM control softwares come with a stitching or tiling function. You can also do it by hand or using some code like the one provided by Pilchak et al, in Matlab:
Article AnyStitch: A tool for combining electron backscatter diffrac...
Some distortions can appear, specially if the area is very large, making difficult or not possible at all a good tiling, to overcome these problems the following paper by Rowenhorst could be useful:
This depends on the SEM model and the operating EBSD software. Anyway, scanning large areas with improper step size may achieve low quality or loss fine features.