All my research was done in T75 flask using culture media + antibiotic (pen/strep), but now im trying to scale to bioreactor and the cost rises with the use of antibiotic...
How much can vary my production if i dont use antibiotic??
As long as you can maintain the cells in the bioreactor without any contamination (bacteria or other), the will not be much difference in the production between the presence and absence of the antibiotics. However, in rare cases, antibiotics may influence the production of some molecules which solely depends on the type of molecules (you either do a literature search or do some parallel cultures with and without antibiotics to see the difference at small scale). But maintaining the cultures without contamination is very challenging task. I hope this helps. Good luck.
I will recommed Dr. Ramachandramouli's answer, and i would like to tell you something what is going to happen if you use antiobiotics for long term
1. Antibiotics should not be used routinely in cell culture, because their continuous use encourages the development of antibiotic resistant strains and allows low-level contamination to persist, which can develop into full-scale contamination once the antibiotic is removed from media, and may hide mycoplasma infections and other cryptic contaminants. Further, some antibiotics might cross react with the cells and interfere with the cellular processes under investigation.
2. Antibiotics should only be used as a last resort and only for short term applications, and they should be removed from the culture as soon as possible.
3. If they are used in the long term, antibiotic-free cultures should be maintained in parallel as a control for cryptic infections.
hope this infromation might useful to your research.
Why are you using antibiotics like Strep/pen, in the first place. It will not be the cost alone but you may not get the actual cell mass as the cells may not show signs of cohesiveness. My advice would be to do away with antibiotics and rely on your techniques mostly.