is it true that some researcher (scientists) believe that a field is their own field, and every new researcher should stand on the door, requesting their permission, before his entrance ??? your opinions please,
Wouldn't surprise me if people hold this belief. I do think people are entitled to call a field "their own", but they are not entitled to say who belongs in it and who doesn't unless the researcher (in question) is doing terrible research (as it, not true at all, or unethical). Science is an open process, but I have heard "nightmare" stories in my field (CS) of some researchers that highly populate one particular field keeping their work in niches making it harder to enter if you want your publications in similar journals. I do believe in working hard to earn a reputation, but for top individuals in a field to prevent new researchers from entering it to force them to stand at the door is really unfriendly for a researcher of any caliber to do if the new researcher to the field wants to contribute. I can only speak for my field, but I'd imagine some fields to be even more in that direction (more like a popularity contest than a rigid research venture, I have seen my fair share of "gimmicky research" that gets lots of attention but has no future benefit). That's just my opinion though.
There are lots of very friendly researchers out there, if one door won't open, go for another.
Maybe if you are able to have James Watson on your paper, it will be more easy to publish it! I believe this was true before. Now there are so many researchers, it is almost impossible.
Unfortunately that's how it rolls. Science being a treasure house of knowledge, a new researcher is looked down for the lack of his/her experience. there may be many ideas in ones head but at the end of the day Experience, which has seen many a daylight, emerges as the mighty factor in 'owning' a field.And most often it is fair. But learning to embrace newness is something not many are willing to do. Honestly, it is the bitter truth we might want to accept when we (I'm a new scientist and proud of it) enter the realm of our choice.
I believe that scientific research field is a dynamic life field absolutely similar to life Human body, not like a machine, so we have to ask required related questions to know, sometimes, if we are on the right way, may be that question wasn't a scientific question but in my opinion it was an important, let's say could someone delete feeling from his life? i think that these kind of questions are the emotions of the scientific research life.
Dear @Younes, working with experts(big names) helps in getting your work published, sometimes as a joint work and other times as a single author; it deoends on the contribution of all of you. Usually, scientists are willing to see the solution of an issue and not only having their names on many publications without giving a significant contribution.