7 Questions 190 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Daniel Page
I am aware that the minimum (cardinality) vertex cover problem on cubic graphs (i.e., 3-regular) graphs is NP-hard. Say positive integer k>2 is fixed. Has there been any computational...
01 January 2015 4,796 2 View
I am wondering if anybody can provide any handy resources (for a theoretical computer scientist) in relation to the convex cost flow problem? I have found texts (mostly my combinatorial...
12 December 2014 6,562 7 View
This often arises in the discussion of concepts like "what is somebody's Erdos number", or when one discusses what field a contribution belongs to. When "does it count" or when it is or isn't a...
11 November 2014 1,544 1 View
In my spare time I sometimes like to visit this website (Theorem of the Day): http://www.theoremoftheday.org/ On this website, they give theorems (one for each day). It inspired me to ask this...
11 November 2014 2,423 14 View
One subtle thing I never noticed on Google Scholar was that some versions of papers I would encounter on Google Scholar have a star/asterisk (*) beside them. Does anybody know what that means?...
10 October 2014 2,481 3 View
I find a lot of programs don't actually take the time to explain what it is, and instead go for more of an "applied" look at the field saying "With CS, you can do this" like an Applied CS program...
11 November 2013 8,997 5 View
If you could pick one algorithm which you like the most (if you are somebody who has his/her own, not including your own)
10 October 2012 8,652 84 View