From the past when Confucianism was rejected by Chinese cultural reformers and China’s ruling Communist Party, whose founder Mao Zedong had denounced the country’s ancient philosopher Confucius, today Confucius is hailed as a symbol of Chinese culture. China has come a long way in these many years and today China is ranked 3 of 140 country for its military might (2021). Besides this China is the the single largest manufacturing economy and exporter. So when does China stand as a responsible global citizen?. Leading issues are: 1st is China's territorial disputes with almost all its neighbors-(South China sea and Spratly Islands). Second major issue is that China doesn't always respect ICJ judgements or veto's them when not in her favor. Third point is controversial-Human rights. Tiananmen square to Uighurs tragedy (Muslim ethnic minority suppressed by violence in Xinjiang province), Hongkong and Taiwan. Fourth comes another controversial issue-State sponsored espionage inside other countries-and digital disruption claims (made by US, Australia, EU). So does China qualify as a global responsible citizen?