China is one of the top 3 powerhouses and also a permanent member on the Security council allowing it to veto many actions. Today China has pushed Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Indonesia out of reckoning in the South China Seas (SCS). The only hope is America to stop China’s advance, and bring China to the negotiating table, and force China to abide by international law. China started its line grab a decade earlier and today China has viciously staked a claim to most of the SCS as its sovereign territory, within the so-called “nine-dash line. China has encroached using its powerful coast guard, armed fishing fleet and militias, backed by an even more powerful PLA Navy (PLAN). China has methodically pushed back the weaker maritime forces of Vietnam and the Philippines from parts of their EEZs and challenged those of Malaysia and Indonesia. In addition, It has constructed artificial islands and positioned PLAN and PLA Air Force (PLAAF) units and surface-to air (SAM) and surface-to-surface missiles in the Spratly and Paracel Islands, thereby expanding the ant access, area denial (A2/AD) capability that threatens the US and its allies and partners in the SCS. One must not forget how it grabbed Tibet an independent country on 24 October 1951 and it also sits on thousand's of kilometers of land taken from India in Aksai Chin after its unprovoked attack in the 60's.

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