17 August 2023 0 388 Report

Dear colleagues,

Thank you for reading my questions.

I’m currently culturing my patient derived iPSCs, and I have some problems these days.

The problems are:

1. Especially after media changing, cells suddenly are detached and died.

2. Cells morphologies are weird: the center of colonies are loosely packed and they do not have round shape.(passaging number is early: 7~10)

My iPSCs culture routine as follows.

1. Coat cell culture plate at least 1h in 37’C, 5% CO2 incubator, with Matrigel+DMEM F-12(1:100 working solution).

2. When I do passaging,,add 10uM of Rho kinase inhibitor in mTeSR plus media, and remove Ri following day. After that, i replace media every other day until the next passaging day.

3. 'Gentle cell dissociation reagent' was used.

I've been culturing ipsc with the same process for a few months, but I've recently encountered the above problems. I don't know which part is causing the problem. I need your opinion.


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