
I encountered some problems in intracellular staining of IL-17 or IFN-r in my experiments. I cultured PBMC alone or PBMC with PHA at a concentration of 5ug/ml at 6-well plate for 48h, and then did cell staining and FACS, including surface staining (CD3 and CD4) and intracellular staining (IL-17 or IFN-r). Because we dont have cytofix/cytoperm buffer directly from BD Pharmingen(most people recommended). I have tried two protocols for cell fixation and permeabilization. The 1st is to take 2% of paraformaldehyde-PBS as fixation buffer and 0.2% Tween 20-PBS as permeabilization buffer. The 2nd is to take 4% paraformaldehyde-PBS as fixation buffer and 0.1% saponin-PBS as permeabilization buffer. But I did not detect anything. More strangely, I always acquired higher expression of isotype than that of IL-17 in both unstimulated PBMC and stimulated PBMC (gated in CD3+CD4+cells). You can see the attached pictures respectively for these two protocols.

Looking forward to your response! Thank you!

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