Hello everyone,
I have been attempting to optimize chromatin shearing for ChIP and have been seeing a strong band ~300bp when running the reverse cross-linked chromatin on a 1.5% agarose gel. This is not the first time I have seen this particular result.
Protocol Summary:
I am using Diagenode's Chromatin Shearing Optimization kit. In summary, I resuspended fresh 2.5 million cells in MeOH-free 1% Formaldehyde in PBS for 5, 8, or 10minutes (including no fixation control), quenched with glycine, lysed using kit buffers, and resuspended in shear buffer + protease inhibitor cocktail. I then sheared using Diagenode's Bioruptor 300 at HIGH setting, 30 cycles 30s ON/30s OFF (included no shear control for each). After, centrifuged at 13,000RPM for 10min 4C. Took 50ul for RNase treatment (Thermo AM2286), followed by reverse cross-linking overnight at 65C in kit elution buffers. I then took 10ul samples to run on an agarose gel to confirm presence chromatin before purification. The remaining sample was purified using Diagenode's iPure kit v2, which protocol I followed. By the end I had 25ul of purified reverse-crosslinked sheared DNA, which I ran on a 1.5% agarose gel.
There is a strong band between 200-400bp in all unpurified samples. This is missing in the purified group. While I would have interpreted this as successful shearing from other images I have seen online, the "Not sheared, not purified" group refutes that is the cause of the band. In my "Sheared, Purified" group, while there is some shearing in all samples, there appears to be more shearing in fixed samples.
1. What is this band that appears in all my reverse cross-linked, unpurified samples?
2. Is there any reason I might be seeing increased shearing in my fixed samples compared to not fixed?
This is my first question posted on this site, so please let me know if I should change any details to improve the clarity of the question.
Thank you!