04 April 2016 1 5K Report

Hello all. 

Around two years ago I extracted DNA using a qiagen kit from a DT40 cell line culture. Yield was around 100 ng/ul with a 260/280 ratio around 2. I then used the epitect kit to treat the DNA with bisufite. I used that sample for PCR for 4 different genes (amplicon sizes 312, 324, 551 and 661) and I succeeded in getting the amplicons I expected. The cleaning and subsequent sequencing procedure also went well. Meaning I had the product after cleaning and using either the forward or reverse primers for sequencing I was able to get a good sequence with a low background. Recently I have been trying to use the same protocol for DNA extracted using TrizolLS from a primary chicken B cell culture. Yield was around 200 ng/ul with the 260/280 ratio around 1.5. The sequencing results were problematic. The two shortest amplicons were almost completely sequenced. However, the two larger ones were not. Having primer dimers or a high background. When I used the nanodrop (set to RNA) on the DT40 converted samples I got between 5 and 10 ng/ul. most of the reads on the new samples were either below 2 or negative. My Questions are:

1. In the collective experience, is kit DNA extraction usually better than TrizolLS extraction in terms of quality?

2. Can that difference in quality carry over to a poor bis converted yield, or higher fragmentation of the DNA in the process? would that explain not getting some of the longer amplicons?

3. How much of a factor are the lengths of the amplicon I am after? I saw some articles discussing 300 as the limit and some discussing 500 bp as the limit for bis converted PCR amplicons. However, I was able to get those amplicons from the DT40 samples. 

Thank you all

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