
I have a problem with SEM using Lisrel. I am using a Lisrel for my SEM modelling. All my variables are ordinal. Hence the indicator variables for the independent latent variables (intention) and the observed dependent variable (behaviour) are all ordinal. Now if I try to define an observed variable as a dependent variable to the latent variable, it assumes it to be another indicator variable to the latent variable. In order to solve this problem, I have tried using a single indicator latent variable. Hence I create a latent variable where behaviour is a single indicator and this latent variable then becomes the dependent variable to the latent variable intention remains the independent variable. The model works but reading the above argument I have doubts on its reliability. So I have two questions:

1) In Lisrel, how can I treat an observed variable - behaviour, as a dependent variable to a latent variable without it being mistaken as another indicator variable of the independent latent variable intention

2) If this is not possible then can I use a single indicator latent variable to define my dependent variable

Thank you in advance


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