Hey everyone,
i perform immunofluorescence imaging on 100µm brain sections.
My protocol for my free floating staining.
Fix the slices in PFA 4% overnight
Wash 3x times in PBS
Blocking for 1 hour with 10%NGS and 0.5% Triton X-100
First antibody overnight
Washing 3x times PBS
Secondary Antibody 2hour at room temperature
Washing 3x times PBS
I would like to perform colocalization experiments, but the red channel doesnt work very well.
1. The signals are weak
2. The signals are inconsisten
3. The background is high
4. Only some parts of the slice are stained
5. Weird interactions with the staining in the green chanel.
Does anyone has some hints how i can improve the staining in my red channel.
Thank you for the help