09 November 2014 11 898 Report

I did comet assay analysis using software open comet V1.3. I had no difficulty running the ImageJ program and got the result like the first picture attached. The problem started when I tried to open the output spreadsheet using Microsoft Excel 2010, when I first opened it, it showed message "the file you are trying to open is in a different format than specified by the file extension. Verify that the file is not corrupted and is from a trusted source before opening the file." (2nd picture) If I keep proceed with yes, It would be opened but for the first time I need to double click all the hashtag symbol in order to make the number appear (3rd picture). The number appeared for Comet intensity, head DNA, head DNA percent, tail intensity, tail DNA percent, tail moment, and olive moment were confusingly big like more than trillions (4th and 5th pictures). I don't think the number supposed to be this big. (or it is??)

Well my questions are How to get rid this problem? Is there anything I did wrong? I analyze the comet picture in JPEG format.

Thank you for helping since this the first time we do comet assay in our center.


Raesa Yolanda

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