21 February 2023 4 6K Report

I was working on vertical electrophoresis using polyacrylamide gel to separate DNA fragments, but I have encountered different problems, so I need your technical advice to resolve my problems.

The first problem is that the polyacrylamide solution takes a very long time to polymerize or solidify in the plate. I used 50ml polyacrylamide solution per plate by mixing 13.3ml (30% acrylamide bisacrylamide), 10ml (10x TBE), 0.350ml (10% ASP), 26.35ml (water) and 5µl (TEMED).

The second problem is that migrating DNA form a parabola shape after moving halfway from the well. So it ultimately gives the band of different sizes (those expected to be the same size).

The third problem is that the obtained band was not bold enough for scoring. I used ethidium bromide for staining the gel after electrophoresis.

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