03 March 2018 5 650 Report

How vital is it to optimize the RNA input for reverse transcription for subsequent qPCR reactions?

The qPCR reaction mix protocol calls for 25ng of template. I've been using 100ng total RNA for my RT reactions, and I'm making an assumption that 100ng RNA is converted to 100ng cDNA (and in a 20uL reaction, my cDNA should be 5ng/uL).

I'll be adding 5uL of my cDNA mixes into the qPCR reaction.

But should I also be performing an RNA input optimization (e.g 1000ng, 800ng, 600ng,400ng,200ng,100ng total RNA input).

What are the benefits of optimizing the RNA input? Is it a requirement of the MIQE guidelines that I've misinterpreted?

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