03 March 2018 1 835 Report

I have RNA samples that I will be using for cDNA synthesis, and analysis of expression levels. The RNA has been DNAse treated, both in column during extraction, and post column extraction (AMPD1).

I designed my primers to overlap exon junctions anyway, but I'd like to stick to the MIQE guidelines and submit validation supplementary data anyway showing no DNA contamination.

I designed one set of primers which amplifies the reference gene within an exon (i.e non-exon gap junction), for this purpose specifically.

Instead of running each of my RNA samples through a -RT cDNA sysnthesis, and then running a PCR, could I simply run the PCR on the RNA samples?

It would save me cDNA synthesis reagents such as the OligodTs and Random Hexamers, and RNAse inhibitor. I dont see the point in running a -RT cDNA synthesis reaction on samples that I would like to confirm contain no DNA.

The postive control for this PCR would be a non-DNASe treated RNA sample.

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