12 December 2018 4 5K Report

I'm trying to linearise a plasmid that I will use as my vector for NEBuilder HiFi DNA Assembly. I have designed primers for linearising the plasmid that I am now testing.

There are shorter bands appearing in my gel from the PCR products that shouldn't be there and I think it's because of the PCR conditions I've been using and am wondering how to optimise it.

I did a gradient PCR which showed my desired products at an annealing temperature setting of 70°C (which was higher than I expected). I had designed my primers to work at around 65°C.

50μl Reaction for PCR using NEB Q5 HiFi dNA Polymerase

10μl 5x Q5 buffer

1μl 10mM dntps

2.5μl 10μM Fwd Primer

2.5μl 10μM Rev Primer

2μl plasmid DNA (15ng/μl)

10μl Q5 GC enhancer

21.5μl nuclease-free H2O

0.5μl Q5 polymerase

THERMOCYCLING CONDITIONS: (according to NEB Q5 HiFi DNA Polymerase Protocol)

initial denaturation 98°C (30sec)

35 cycles:

denaturation 98°C (10sec)

annealing 70°C (30sec)

extension 72°C (40sec)

final extension 72°C (2min)

Are there better methods or ways I can change the protocol to amplify the plasmid by PCR?

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