I'm co-transfecting 1) a reporter plasmid with an inserted enhancer and the luciferase gene and 2) a plasmid with the Egr-1 transcription factor gene using jetPRIME reagent.
I'm wondering what would be the best ratio to co-transfect these for SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells into 24-well plates in order to get the highest expression efficiency. My current thought is to transfect the plasmids at 1:1 pmol, but I was wondering if anyone has done previous work with transcription factors and if I should add more or less of the Egr-1 plasmid?
For reference...
the jetPRIME protocol states to add no more than 500ng of total DNA per well for transfection
(I've attached the jetPRIME protocol)
size of luciferase reporter plasmid: 3937bp
size of Egr-1 transcription factor plasmid: 7099bp