What a relief after having got the answer so easily...
It was Too hard for me to work on it alone. Really appreciate this.
When I blasted the primer sequences in the paper in ncbi, I could not find ASPA as the result.
I guess here the primers primers for the sequence of ASPA gene after bisulfite treatment. Am I right on this part? If that is not the reason, what is the reason for not being able to detect ASPA after blast?
One more thing is this site http://bisearch.enzim.hu/?m=genompsearch is not working for PDE4C gene...do you know the reason for this ??
Anyways, I am very very very very grateful for your help. Really very very very.
I thing the question was how does one locate the sequence cg02228185 in ASPA. This CpG site not in the gene itself which is on human chromosome 17. Perhaps this is corresponding to an upstream promoter region or cis acting elelment?