I am exporting a phylogenetic tree with bootstrap from MEGA and I need the following NEXUS format to integrate the phylo data into a geometric morphometric analysis in MorphoJ software.

The following data is an example that can be imported into MorphoJ:



Title Imported_trees;

LINK Taxa = Taxa;


1 fruticosa,

2 parvifolia,

3 palustris,

4 neumaniana,

5 crantzii,

6 pensylvani,

7 atro_Yellow,

8 atro_Gibson,

9 thurberi,

10 flabellifo,

11 aurea,

12 pimpinello,

13 argentea,

14 saundersia,

15 hirta,

16 heptaphyll,

17 thuringiac,

18 goldbachii,

19 recta,

20 dickinsii,

21 Rosa;

TREE 'Imported tree 0+' = ((((1,2),3),(((4,5),(((6,(7,8)),(9,10)),(((11,12),(((13,14),15),16)),((17,18),19)))),20)),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 1+' = (((((14,6),((16,(15,(((5,(13,4)),((7,8),(9,10))),((17,18),19)))),(11,12))),20),(3,(1,2))),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 2+' = ((((1,2),3),(20,(13,(((14,(7,8)),(10,9)),(((4,5),((17,18),19)),(((11,12),6),(15,16))))))),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 3+' = (((3,(1,2)),(20,(((14,6),(((13,(12,11)),((16,((7,8),((4,(17,18)),19))),15)),(5,10))),9))),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 4+' = ((((1,2),3),((9,(((10,5),((19,((((4,13),16),15),(17,18))),(12,((7,8),11)))),(14,6))),20)),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 5+' = (((3,(1,2)),(((12,11),((((((13,((5,4),((17,18),(15,16)))),19),(14,(7,8))),10),9),6)),20)),21);

TREE 'Imported tree 6+' = (((20,(((10,((14,(7,8)),6)),9),(((11,12),(15,(16,13))),(19,(4,(5,(17,18))))))),(3,(1,2))),21);



Would I have to use a different software (e.g. Mesquite) to create such a format?

Many thanks,


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