I'm learning how to create tables in latex, trying to do something similar to this one (see attached file). I'll appreciate any suggestions, insights, tutorials or code. Thanks.
This sort of table isn't too difficult in LaTeX. I suggest that you start by carefully reading through the WikiBooks LaTeX page on Tables:
which is more than sufficient to understand how to create such a table. If you need anything more sophisticated, there are many enhanced table/tabular environments that you can use to extend the basic functionality.
This sort of table isn't too difficult in LaTeX. I suggest that you start by carefully reading through the WikiBooks LaTeX page on Tables:
which is more than sufficient to understand how to create such a table. If you need anything more sophisticated, there are many enhanced table/tabular environments that you can use to extend the basic functionality.
It is worth downloading the PDF documentation from that link and reading the first few sections to see the author's general layout guidelines (e.g. Never, ever use vertical rules).
Tables are one of the most difficult things to learn in LaTeX. Coming to your question, the table attached in the image can easily be created by using the booktabs package. Alternatively you can use http://www.tablesgenerator.com/ to generate them online or use the LaTable package. http://www.ctan.org/pkg/latable
Use \usepackage{longtable} in LaTeX. Try this code for this picture (attached):
\caption{\textit{Two-Stage Least Squares}: results of the \textit{TSLS} analysis of the measurement set 1-191 of the spectral reflectance of \textit{P.oceanica} (15.X.). \href{http://gretl.sourceforge.net/}{Gretl}. Page: $$}
Another example, here we have again splitted table, with two horizontal lines and intermittent colours in the rows. I used these two colors: {AntiqueWhite} and {
LightGoldenrodYellow}. The first part of the table is lesser then the second one, followed by the text with explanations
Generated using this code:
\caption{Results of the \textit{tobit analysis} with censored dependent variable (2) from the selected dataset Series 151-175 of the s.reflectance of \textit{P.oceanica}. \href{http://gretl.sourceforge.net/}{Gretl}. Page: $$}
Model 2: Tobit, using observations 1:01--8:23 ($T$ = 191)\\