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Questions related to Coding
My real system (buck converter) can only take an input of 0 to 1 (duty ratio) and I need to constrain the system so the controller action keeps within this bounds. How can I do this? The code for...
23 February 2021 2,466 3 View
Hi, I did a literature review on innovation diffusion theories (Rogers), and I attempted to test the practicality of these theories when introducing novel medical devices. I did semi-structured...
06 January 2021 430 8 View
Hey guys, There is a strange thing that is going on with my laptop. I receive messages like: ssh is not recognized as an internal or external command but I know I have installed both SSH client...
25 October 2020 2,476 3 View
Hello, I'm trying to create a genind object of an SNP dataset from Whelk to examine allelic richness between sites for some COI_16S sequences (combined sequences from the same individual). My...
07 October 2020 9,410 1 View
Hi, I am cleaning and reorganizing some data and there are some codes that I removed all quotations from and still, I cannot remove them. The option to delete them is not available. Does anybody...
29 September 2020 634 2 View
I want to implement only a Gate similar to forget gate or output gate of LSTM cell. Mind it...!!! I am not implementing the entire LSTM cell rather I have certain input and previous output and I...
23 September 2020 8,447 3 View
We undergone so much problems with NVivo (activation, compatibility PC vs MAC) and it is so much expensive.
08 July 2020 8,402 10 View
We are working on a qualitative project that uses telephonic interviews. Most of the interviews have been transcribed so we want to start the coding process. We cannot afford Atlas.ti or NVivo,...
24 May 2020 8,644 29 View
The data coding process using NVIVO 12 software is relatively straightforward, but I'm having difficulty using the hierarchy charts to visualize the information in terms of demographics (e.g.,...
09 May 2020 4,353 3 View
Hello Please can you help me to write this equation on Matlab 2015a !. I have tried many types of writing but I could not get any result. Thank you for your help in advance.
01 May 2020 10,064 6 View
Hello I am working on the following: I have 65 exsiting definitions about a concept. From these 65 definition I try to distill a representative definition via coding procedures. Thus, I code each...
17 January 2020 2,278 3 View
Does anyone have experience with the feature "coding focus groups" in ATLAS.ti 8? I have data of focus groups to analyse (Grounded Theory) and I am wondering about what might be the advantages of...
02 January 2020 5,913 3 View
Hi, For my master thesis I am exploring the effects of different types stereotype activation (i.e., stereotype reactance, stereotype threat and no stereotype activation) on negotiation...
19 December 2019 8,154 2 View
In applying grounded theory method, do I have to code all my interviews line-by-line or just do it in the first few sources? Are there any criteria for this?
02 December 2019 1,038 21 View
Within my Grounded Theory study I want to analyse attitudes and opinions of a group of people towards a specific topic. Therefore, I would like to adapt the coding paradigm of Strauss & Corbin...
09 September 2019 9,104 7 View
Hi anyone, I have a function and I want to share it, but I don't want to make the code accessible for the user. Is there a way to encrypt the code? Thanks in advance.
09 September 2019 3,914 3 View
I am preparing for doing a comparative transcriptome analysis and would like to know which are the skills I should try and work on before getting the data. Which kind of coding program would be...
12 August 2019 1,672 3 View
08 August 2019 7,715 4 View
I am analyzing the potential relations between the Lotka-Volterra and System Dynamic Models by considering a number of features. In particular, I am focusing on the use of open source software...
06 June 2019 5,381 6 View
I am doing a research and I need some advice, I'll appreciate if you can help me. we ( two coders) read two articles, the first article is the original one, and the second article challenges the...
06 June 2019 5,466 6 View
I have a phantom_omni haptic and want to render a deformable shape for this i define a plane of vertexes and when curser collide to shape, vertexes near the collision point moved down and it...
06 June 2019 6,997 3 View
In the book "Great Software Debates", Alan M. Davis states in the chapter "Requirements", sub-chapter "The Missing Piece of Software Development" Students of engineering learn engineering and are...
22 May 2019 6,925 10 View
Are there any issues that arise when using RStudio for Python. Have been using Spyder but for simplicity's sake wanted to keep only one window open.
05 May 2019 4,560 1 View
Dear All, I'm going to start my final year thesis in software engineering domain and I have found technical debt very interesting. Please suggest me some interesting topics in the field of...
05 May 2019 8,278 4 View