I'm simulating a particle collision onto a droplet in Fluent (attached Fig.). Particle is defined as a 'wall' and when I'm using 'Dynamic Mesh' with 'C.G. Vel= -6', the simulation runs well. However, the particle velocity remains constant (=6 m/s) while it must be changed in reality. So, I need to define just an "initial" velocity for particle (so that particle velocity would be updated based on drag and interfacial forces in each time step).

I can use a UDF with DEFINE_INIT. But, in all examples, they first determine those fluid 'cells' of the domain in which the initial velocity should be applied (e.g. using a FOR loop), and then they assign the velocity to those cells. But I don't know how to do it for giving an initial vel to a wall (or a 'solid' object).

Note that, I prefer not to move the fluid in the opposite direction of the particle and keep the particle stationary.


PS. Here is a sample UDF that I found for DEFINE_INIT.

In this UDF, a velocity has been assigned to "cells" not to a boundary or a 'wall' as I need.

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