12 December 2018 12 8K Report

Hello everyone!

I want to compare expression of 1 gene (example: Z) between bacteria A and B by quantitative realtime PCR using SYBR green.

- First, I made a standard curve for each bacteria by creating a 10-fold dilution series from a sample with a known concentration of Z gene (standards here are plasmid inserted Z gene of A or B).

- Second, I extracted RNA from bacteria A and B and then treated RNA with a kit . Next, I used the same RNA amount of bacteria A and B to synthesize cDNA

- Third, I did quantitative realtime PCR to quantify Z gene in bacteria A and B. The result are listed below:

Samples Cq Quantity R2 Slope Efficiency Tm

B1 19.8 7.06E+04 0.99 -3.833 82.3 79

B2 18.31 1.10E+05 0.99 -3.833 82.3 78.5

B3 18.83 1.27E+05 0.99 -3.833 82.3 79.5

A1 15.42 2.40E+07 0.98 -3.69 86.7 79.5

A2 14.4 4.52E+07 0.98 -3.69 86.7 79

A2 14.41 4.52E+07 0.98 -3.69 86.7 79

Please help me to know can I use these data to compare expression of Z gene between A and B. If so How to deal with these data?

Thank you.

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