Hello everyone! :) I am trying to do macrophage differentiation from mouse bone marrow. I am using RPMI-1640 medium with HEPES and 2-ME and for differentiation 20ng/mL recombinant M-CSF. On the 4th day after isolation, I am renewing the M-CSF by replacing the medium. However, at this point, my cells are starting to die and the remaining ones accumulate in the middle as a straight line. I also tried to change the half of the media while keeping the M-CSF concentration stable but it barely made a difference. I am growing them in T25 flasks. Instead of changing the medium should I just supply new M-CSF with an additional medium?

Besides, on day 7 I am stopping M-CSF treatment. Incubating my cells in M-CSF free medium for 24 hours and after that, I am doing M1 and M2 polarization, but during the untreated 24 hours, my cells also tend to die. Can I treat them for polarization right after differentiation? Or how do you do it?

Any help is appreciated! Thank you!

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