I am trying to analyze the expression of a few molecules in both T CD4+ and T CD8+ lymphocytes from my B16 melanoma tumors (of B6 mice). The issue is that I can't let the tumors grow over 500mm³, or I will get too much necrosis and no live cells to analyze from. But with a tumor of this size, I can get no more than 5x10^6 total cells, which would have to be CD45+ enriched and would leave me with 5x10^4 (TILs are around 1% in B16). After the sorting, I would lose half the cells in the procedure and would end up with 500 cells (CD4+/CD8+ lymphocytes are around 2% of the leukocytes in this model). I need at least 3000ng to do my qPCR and, from my experience, that comes from 8x10^5 leukocytes. If we do the maths, I would need an absurd number of animals.

Has anyone done qPCR from isolated CD8+/CD4+ lymphocytes before? How many animals did you use to get enough sample?

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