I want to study the stability of one dimeric hyperthermophillic protein at different pH. One way of doing so is to subject  pH incubated protein sample to thermal scanning and determine Tm. The other way is to carry out guanidine hydrochloride (GdnCl)  equilibrium unfolding studies and derive delta G. But the problem is that this protein requires 4M GdnCl for complete folding and I am aware that the addition of such an amount of of GdnCl will change the pH of the solution, thereby defeat my purpose of monitoring the folding behaviour at varying pH. I am employing GdnCl range 0-5Molar, and using single stock of protein and add all components one by one in a reaction tube. Buffer concentration used is 50mM and NaCl is 100mM. Shall is adjust the pH of GdnCl before adding, lets say for a pH 2 denatured sample,  I adjust the pH of GdnCl to 2 and then add it to the protein solution.

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