For library quantification before sequencing on Illumina, I use the KAPA library quantification kit with their included DNA standards. However, I need to quantify specifically mito or nuclear DNA in steps leading up to this, and I want to make a mito and nuclear specific DNA standard curve. I have specific oligos that I want to use as standards, and I have quantified and made 10X dilution series, just like what KAPA does. Yet my standard curve seems to always be all over the place, while KAPA's is very consistent. Other than the obvious answers like pipet error (we have re-diluted with extreme care multiple times), and freeze thaw problems (each standard is diluted into one-use aliquots and stored at -80), what are some solutions to making a consistent standard curve like the one KAPA puts out?

Alternatively, is there a company that does this kind of thing for you?

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