Dear All,

I think this question has been answered many times. Still I have trouble finding the solution.

I performed one way ANOVA on 3 samples. Initial oneway shows significant variation in population means. I then performed tukey posthoc test-this shows significant variation due to 3rd sample. comparison of 1-2 is non significant value But, 1-3,2-3 shows significant variation. Now when I perform homogeneity of variance test-it shows variances not significantly different.

Does this mean that sample 3 is different in mean value, but on the whole all 3 samples are in same range.

for another set of 3 samples, i repeated same procedure. Everything is same, only homogeneity of variations shows significant variation.

my initial hypothesis was there 1 and 2 samples are similar but sample 3 is different. I think my hypothesis is supported by ANOVA and tukey test, but variance test complicates my deduction.

Suggestions and comments are welcome.

Thanks in advance,


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