11 November 2014 17 3K Report

I have a his tag protein in inclusion bodies that i purify in denatured state by affinity chromatography. I have standardized that 8M urea with or without DTT is giving me maximum solubilization of protein from inclusion bodies i n mini scale. But when I try the purification in large scale keeping ratio of Inclusion bodies and solubilization buffer same as in mini scale also keeping every other parameter same I am losing maximum protein in the inclusion body pellet. Also I have tried the 7M urea, 2M THIOUREA, 2% CHAPS, 5mM DTT combination. It is comparable to 8M urea in mini scale. I increased the volume of solubilization buffer as well but rather it lead to further loss of protein in washing steps. Should I change the denaturant to Guanidium hydrochloride? 

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