Insert size: 1Kb

Vector : 4.5 Kb

Restriction enzyme sites : NdeI XhoI

Backbone was dephosphorylated with rSAP for 1 hr 37C heat inactivated later,

PCR product was gel eluted after digestion from pGEMT clone which had positive fall out.

260/230 ratio 2-2.2 ( good)

Ligation conditions: 16C overnight and 25C 8hrs, 1:3, 1:5 ratio Vector: Insert.

Transformation in DH5alpha ultracompetent cells efficiency 10^8

Colony PCR was done showed amplification- directly from plate, colonies were picked grown overnight- pellet was taken lysed by heating and then PCR was done to confirm (to prevent false positive results from ligated dna contamination)... either case the PCR results were positive, Non Template control doesnt show any amplification (no conatmination in the buffers or reagents)

Yet after 3hrs of double digestion the fall out is not seen at all on the gel. Changed the enzyme to confirm if the enzyme had an issue similar results.

What could possibly go wrong... Please suggest. Incase any further details are required I would provide them. Thanks 

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