Hello everyone,

I´m expressing Fab in E.coli - I´m using for this pETDuet vector (vector for two genes) - Fab part of heavy chain is cloned in 1st MCS, light chain in the 2nd MCS.

This strategy worked well in our lab before for different Fab.

In fact I´m getting insane protein expression (can be seen with comassie gel, for other Fabs in our lab you usually didn´t see the expression without running a Western)!

Problem is, it is mostly the light chain, for some reason it´s expressing way more then the heavy chain and it also is soluble by itself apparently... This vector should give 1:1expression but that´s not the case for me...

I was wondering if you have any ideas how to decrease the light chain expression - these proteins have quite few Cys and form SS bonds so I want to decrease the protein load that the cell has to deal with and also I want to make sure heavy and light chains come nicely together. Right now I´m purifying a lot of light chain dimer :-(

I did go through some other threads and realized that this vector has two T7 promoters and one terminator which means it gives two transcripts - one with both genes on it and one with only the light chain on - this may be the reason why I´m getting more light chain - I have no idea why they designed it this way, does not make any sense to me.

So right now I´m thinking about mutating/deleting the second promoter...

Any help would be great! Or if you have some similar stories :-)


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