I have some long non coding RNA sequences for which I would like to predict whether there any sites for the binding to specific miRNAs. I already tried using RNA hybrid (http://bibiserv.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/rnahybrid/welcome.html) and DIANA (http://diana.cslab.ece.ntua.gr/), but unfortunately without success. With RNA hybrid I managed to have some nice pictures showing the actual 2 dimensional structure formed by the hybridization between the lncRNA and the miRNA (see attached picture ; red is lncRNA, green is miRNA and Mfe is the minimum free energy of hybridization) but I am not too sure if I can trust these kind of predictions, because the database managed to predict some binding sites for all my lncRNAs and not only on the few ones where I expected the binding sites to really be.
I could not do any analysis on DIANA because it does not accept my ensemble lncRNA annotations nor the genomic locations for the lncRNA that are not annotated.
Can anybody help me with this? Can you maybe suggest another software/database which I could use?