I want to measure a low concentration of Hg2+ in a solution spectrophotometrically, ia there an indicator or something i can use as an indicator for Hg2+ to color it and make it easy to measure
A Highly Sensitive and Selective Colorimetric Hg2+ Ion Probe Using Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Polyethyleneimine
in the link:Article A Highly Sensitive and Selective Colorimetric Hg 2+ Ion Prob...
For the light source you can use LEDs emitting light that can be absorbed by the Hg2+
For using LEDs instead of conventional sources of the spectrophotometer please follow the paper in the link:Article LED Based Spectrophotometer can compete with conventional one
A Highly Sensitive and Selective Colorimetric Hg2+ Ion Probe Using Gold Nanoparticles Functionalized with Polyethyleneimine
in the link:Article A Highly Sensitive and Selective Colorimetric Hg 2+ Ion Prob...
For the light source you can use LEDs emitting light that can be absorbed by the Hg2+
For using LEDs instead of conventional sources of the spectrophotometer please follow the paper in the link:Article LED Based Spectrophotometer can compete with conventional one