Greetings, here is friday morning!

Nothing but, there is a question as to the microarray. I use Arrayit micro spotting solution 2X plus. As you can see in the photograph, after baking recommended in the protocol, we saw a dried donut shape. And the fluorescence also appeared as a donut shape. It seems to have dried coffee ring effect in dry environment.

I am using the dry oven because I do not have enough money to equip it, but I have to keep the humidity to some extent by looking at the protocol of the arrayit. Is there any way to keep the humidity in the dry oven?

When I kept the humidity at 100%, I could not see any fluorescence(when I used 50% DMSO). Is there any other way to prevent the effect of coffee ring and spotting it in a circle?

PS: Fluorescence is very weak. Should I increase the concentration of the target DNA in this case, or should I increase the concentration of the probe in proportion to that?

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