I am having problems with DNA extraction of a tail sample. Here is the procedure I've been using.
300 uL of cell lysis solution, then I use a blue microtube pestle to break up the tail. I add 1.5 uL of proteinase K at 20 mg/mL overnight on 55 degrees. I spin down the pellet the next day, then pour off the lysate fluid.
I add 1.5 uL RNase A at 4mg/mL invert several times and then incubate for 15-20 minutes.
I add 300 uL of protein precipitate solution and then vortex the solution for about 20 seconds. I centrifuge the solution at max speed, then put it on ice. I then vortex it again, centrifuge again, then pour off the lysate.
The lysate supernant goes into a new microtube with 300uL 100% isopropyl, mixed and then centrifuged for 2 minutes. I pour off the isopropyl and then add 70% Ethanol. I centrifuge and then invert the solution. Then pour the ethanol out.
FInally i add 50 uL of DNA hydration solution.
I use a nanodrop to determine the concentrations, and i get mostly low concentrations (3-6 ng/uL). The numbers for the 260/280 are mostly 1.50-1.85 with only a few going below 1.5