04 April 2015 10 10K Report

Hey, everyone,

     My PCR results with two bright binds puzzeled me these days. My primers are designed by Primer-Blast  of NCBI and  compared to mRNA-Ref database, the expected band is 200bp. However, I found another bright band between 400bp-500bp. I tried to BLAST my primers with genomic DNA database, and found maybe the results comes from genomic DNA contamination, which suggested about 457bp. But, I can not figure out that my primers are span exon designed, will it be possible that my RNA contaminated wih genomic DNA ? In my RT-PCR assay, we used oligo dT to change RNA to cDNA, and use cDNA as template to PCR. Will the genomic DNA still exist after RT-PCR process? So, can my primers be used in real-time PCR assay ?

Hope someone answer my question, much thanks.

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