I am currently doing western blots with BTIC cells (Brain tumour initiating cells) which grow as neurospheres. I have done western blots before (with monolayer BTIC's) and had no issues whatsoever. However, I cannot seem to get equal loading on any westerns at the moment. I have changed pretty much everything about my technique bit by bit and still no luck. I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions as I am at a compete end now and not sure what to try.

So you have a rough idea of my technique, I wash my pellets in PBS, lyse and sonicate, spin down and measure protein using bradford assay (biorad). Then add 40ug protein with ddH20 and 4xSDS loading dye (40uL total), spin breifly, boil for 5 mins at 95 degrees, spin breifly again and load onto my gel.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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