15 October 2015 8 9K Report

I have been troubleshooting the qPCR standard curve for weeks.

A serial of 10-fold dilutions of porcine gDNA ( 10 2 - 10-4 ng) were tested using LightCycler 480. The run consist of 40 cycles of amplification. This qPCR assay were performed under same protocol and conditions for a year and it proved to be feasible. The result always give nice amplification plot with all S-curve were evenly spaced. And the amplification efficiency and r2 value met the requirement in MIQE guideline too (result attached as AP.bmp)

Things getting wrong when I change to a new sample. Genomic DNA extracted from pork meat using Machery-Nagel Tissue DNA isolation Kit. I freshly diluted the gDNA into Sigma PCR-grade water as usual but the result turned up to be very wrong. The amplification curve getting far apart as the sample diluted more. I am lost :( (result attached as B.bmp)

Please share with me if you have any thought, or you know what happen to my serial dilutions assay. Your help is truly appreciated :)

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