These are multinucleated cells due to mitotic abnormalities that are often seen in some cell lines. Contamination does not seem to be apparent in the attached images.
Which objects are you referring to, is it the giant omelette looking cell(s) or the small rounded shiny cells? The small shiny rounded cells - it is possible that these are dead or dying cells that have not attached to the flask/well. I grew HeLa cells for several years, i would see something like this after passaging cells with trypsin, seeding them and observing them shortly after (usually takes few hours for them to attach).
It could also be a eukaryotic or yeast contamination. Given their size and shape relative to your cells, we can rule out that they are not mycoplasma/bacterial. If you are suspecious of contamination, follow your lab's SOP for these kind of situtations.
I think you are referring to the dark spots in the background. That is not a fungal or bacterial growth. The cells otherwise look quite healthy in the other images. These things are released by the cells and in some cases due to stress. If you feel that this increasing with every passage you may want to test your cells for mycoplasma just to be sure. Good luck!
Ashutosh Acharya I wonder the cell with multi nuclear and round shape. I am not very sure whether it is just some dividing cell or other eukaryotic cell.
Can Kiessling Thank you! It is very likely not bacteria or mycoplasma. I did DNA staining with hoechst 33342. The cell look pretty normal. Everything is fine for a few generation of passaging. But this round shape become more and more abundant in my cell culture at 4th passaging. After that fungi grow.
If you think this is a contaminant, check to see whether this kind of omelette-looking cell is present in other non-contaminated cell cultures. For your contaminated cells, do you get to see the same sprouts/hyphae as the picture in the below link? A fungal contamination becomes obvious once you see sprouts and hypae formation. Could that omelette-looking cell be another cell line? Cross-contamination can happen.
Can Kiessling Yes, I confirm it grow to develop fiber after 10 days (3-4 rounds of passing cell). After the 1 round I found contaminated, I change everything to a new set. But after 2 weeks, it back again. I try to figure out from early stage.
Thuy Nguyen no need to worry about those unless you start to see too many of them. As Narumi Uno has rightly pointed out those are just multinucleated/senescent HeLa cells due to certain abnormalities and most likely will not survive after a subculture.