Dear all,

I would like to discuss a quite unusual discovery during some of my experiments.

I have been working on some plant extracts to check for their anti-proliferative and apoptosis causing efficacy on some in-vitro cell lines in flow.

While doing simple Cell cycle Analysis with PI, in case of one extract, the treated sample use to show a "significant shift" which in most cases is unusual. In other words say if the G1 peak of control / untreated sample is at 200 on X-axis (DNA content) then the same for treated ranges from around 220-280!

Earlier I thought it to be a fault on my part in setting the control voltage; when I spoke to the analysis specialist in BD biosciences he told me that may be the voltage in treated sample has increased by my mistake. I repeated the experiment again and the thing is evident everytime I repeat the experiment. Although the treated peak didn't show the same amount of shift in every experiment, but was definitely significantly more (towards right hand side).

I don't understand that FL2A in a cell cycle histogram will show the DNA content only, and any shift in such peak will depict more DNA content! How is it possible and is there any other inference from your experience? Kindly Share.....



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