Filing a patent and its processing for grant / award and commercialization of patent takes nearly 3-5 years, and publishing equivalent research works in a high impact factor journal takes 3-5 months. Which is more important out of these to go for?
Dear Kuldeep, I feel filing your research results as a patent is more important. Although it takes longer time than publishing in Journal it will bring more benefit in the long run..
Dear Kuldeep, both research activities: publishing and filing patents are important. What I know from Lijo Francis is that his job is to do very thorough research and literature reviews. But the university (King Abdullah University of Sc and Tech) has a special group that takes care of the filing for patents. Just a month ago or so, Lijo had a visit from Bill Gates, who went to see his lab! (I'm so happy for him and all my friends when such things happen.)
Dear Kuldeep, I feel filing your research results as a patent is more important. Although it takes longer time than publishing in Journal it will bring more benefit in the long run..
Dear @Mahmoud, I agree with you, nowadays in our country patents are being filed in a pace manner - many filed and take years, I believe only few might be having practical/economical impacts, few filed for academic purposes only and some promotional score cards, and on the other hand publishing good paper in a high IF journal is cited much and distributed worldwide and if of significant value can have higher practical value also - and can be used by commercial companies/industries in a rapid way with practical utility / outputs in a lesser time.
Filling patent is important because, once you published the paper, i comes in public domain. So after all you do not have rights to protect your own invention. Your own paper becomes prior art for filling patent. So better is go for filling patent which will give good commercial value.