May seem like an elementary and even ridiculous question. However, if you are traveling at 0.866c toward Wolf 359 [8 lightyears distance] you t-prime is 2x, On Your Clock. Under non-Lorentz conditions the trip is ~9.2-years, meaning, your Lorentz time is 4.6-years at 0.866c.

What you see second-for-second along that journey is a smooth [albeit quantized] progression from zero to 4.6-years at which point you land. The question, what do you see meter-for-meter along that journey, NOT what some arbitrary and thus meaningless observer sees has no agreed upon answer in any conventional school of thought, but only a diverse permutation of 16 answers.

You cannot see 1/2-meter for every meter travelled on your own meterstick, unless your meterstick has dilated to 2x. This then is the demand of what you see on your own meterstick, meter-for-meter along the 8LY distance travelled, such that you travel an 'observed' distance of 4-lightyears. What you see on your own meterstick must be that your meterstick as dilated to 2x. If you see that your meterstick has 'contracted' to 1/2x, then the demand is that you travel twice the distance, 16LY in 4 years, meaning your velocity in your frame of reference is 4c. There is no Minkowski solution for what you see on your own meterstick.

If I commit genocide of all life in the cosmos except myself, there is no arbitrary observer, not even God. What I see on my Locally Quantized Meterstick must be that my meterstick has dilated to 2x, such that the distance beneath me is 1/2x. Thus, I travel 4LY in 4.6-years, which is about 0.866c.

If I am walking, according to Minkowski [whom Einstein hated with all of his might], my footsteps are described as moving through some unobservable dimensionality described by the square root of negative one. My feet are not moving through any unobservable dimensionality described by the square root of negative one. Thus, Minkowski, whom Einstein thought was a total idiot [why he never attended Minkowski's classes] is incorrect.

Current convention has the universe described by a man whom Einstein thought was an idiot. Any other description is urban myth. Minkowski fails Einstein our of pure spite, and fails Mileva Maric just because she is his girlfriend, in a vindictive move to ruin Einstein's life. There is nothing but utter hatred between these two men.

Why are we bowing down to an unvalidated hypothesis that has never been observed by a man whom Einstein thought was a total idiot? Why has physics produced no tangible thing since the bomb? Why is all of physics today described by mythological and unobservable dimensions?

Is anyone aware that Einstein published thirty times that length dilates under Lorentzian conditions? Has anyone done the math and seen how simplified and tangible everything becomes when both time and length dilate?

What do you think?

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