12 Questions 533 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from John Hodge
Friction is generally not included in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian treatments of energy mechanics. It is usually defined as energy ``lost'' (inability to do work) during interactions of bodies. It...
21 November 2022 7,519 3 View
Quantum started (pre 1960) with weird explanations of the math and large ensembles of particles. Then came Aspect and entanglement (ca 1980) with Bell's inequality requiring 2 or more particles....
11 November 2022 2,735 23 View
De Broglie's double-solution postulated a causal model of Quantum Mechanics. Knowledge of the photon structure was needed to model the particle part of the cause of the Double Slit interference...
12 February 2021 7,213 5 View
I and a few others have suggested turbulence plays a role in the subatomic realm. Hamiltonian formulations become chaotic with long time. Nature does not. Newton speculated in his "Opticks" that...
20 April 2020 8,312 5 View
Math relates numbers to other numbers. But this is insufficient for physics. Physics models which include a cause-and-effect are more useful and result in bettter human understanding. For example,...
01 January 1970 6,449 23 View
Are redshift models that depend on energy loss (resistance) incorrect?
01 January 1970 9,338 4 View
Did Miller detect ether-drift or something else? What could the something else be? Miller suggested that the Michaelson-Morley experiment did detect the same effect as Miller but at a much smaller...
01 January 1970 8,160 52 View
Is the future of humanity not on planets, but on or in space stations? Why go down deep gravity wells when the necessary resources exist in asteroids? Are we looking in the wrong place for...
01 January 1970 926 6 View
Mach's Principle is gernerally ignored in modern physics. Many have tried to include it. But data indicates it is needed. So, in addition to uniting GR and QM, Mach's principle should be necessary.
01 January 1970 9,687 9 View
The formula of groupthink + profit = unstoppable force has served the US well for the WW1 and WW2 evan with the use of coercive laws in WW1. Recently, with the WOKE type of groupthink has shown...
01 January 1970 9,193 0 View
This is the same question and answer as 'Why is the dark matter not been found? Because it isn't there. Both are the effects of a force from the center of spiral galaxies. see Quasi Steady State...
01 January 1970 1,061 2 View
Many examples such as the fine structure constant exist which indicates a set of parameters that are held by natural processes in a fixed, long-term relationship. Further, many of the equations of...
01 January 1970 964 6 View