26 July 2018 1 822 Report

I 'm currently doing some experiments with A9 mouse cells, growing them in 175cm² cell culture flasks and seeding them in 96-well plates. Recently i've seen that many cells seem to burst, after sowing in 96 wells and incubation at 36 degrees they did not grow any further. Is this an apoptotic phenotype? This happens spontaneously, not in all of the previously split vessels, some still have the 'normal' phenotype. I think these cells seems to have a problem with attachment and/or growth since they don’t grow in 96 well plates anymore. I already checked the media ( DMEM 5%FBS), vessels, incubator (36°C; 4,5% CO2; 92%rH), plates, tips, possibilities of contamination (mycoplasma and bacteria), timespan of trypsin. I'm working with high quality, multiple tested reagents ( even FBS is gamma-irritated) and the reagents are tested for the presence of viru

Nothing seems to cause this alteration

Does anybody know whats wrong with my cells, or any advice what I should check?

Thanks for your help!

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