Apart from knockout organisms, which are experimental manipulations, some strains of E. coli completely lack catalase owing to certain mutations in their genes; deficiencies of such genes are associated with increased rates of spontaneous mutations. Most hydroxyura resistant strains of Arabidopsis have been known to be catalase deficient. Another issue, acatalasemia (molecular defects in the catalase gene) is well known in humans.
Thanks very much for the interesting abstract. I was merely responding to the question -does anyone know of organisms that lack catalase? I added human organisms as well. I don't know whether the question confines itself to microorganisms. At any rate, the FASEB J abstract is intriguing. I appreciate it.
Euglena lack catalase and use peroxiredoxins and other enzymes to remove ROS. This is particularly relevant as they are photosynthetic and thus generate excess ROS.