I am facing a problem with TreeFix and I was wondering if you can help me. I found out your corresponding address into TrreFix web page.
When I try to launch TreeFix I receive an error message; please, see below:
treefix -s species_tree_rooted.tre -S S.smap -A .fasta -o run1_rooted.tre -n .treefix.tree -V 1 -e '-m PROTGAMMAJTT -e 2.0' -l treefix.log run1_rooted.tre
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/bin/treefix", line 1007, in
File "/usr/local/bin/treefix", line 863, in main
smodule.optimize_model(gtree, stree, gene2species)
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/treefix/models/duplossmodel.py", line 59, in optimize_model
raise Exception("problem mapping gene tree to species tree")
Exception: problem mapping gene tree to species tree
and the program stops.
Have you got any advice in order to fix the problem? I am new into phylogenetic analysis and reconstruction and your program could improve my tree.
Article TreeFix: Statistically Informed Gene Tree Error Correction U...